
Merry meet, friends. Iā€™m Aquaria Fox.*

Welcome to Magickal Mocktails,

a site that combines all of my passions into one repository of deliciousness.


It all started when . . .

An ordinary woman – thatā€™s me – became a witch.

But I didnā€™t just wake up one day and decide I was a witch.Ā 

I remembered I was one.Ā 

Even more surreal is that I reached this conclusion because the trees drove me to it.Ā 

Yes, I know that sentence sounds makes me sound like Iā€™m a bit off my rocker, but there really isnā€™t another way to describe it.

A solitary stay at a Colorado retreat center, where I was cocooned in a cabin on the top of a mountain, turned out to be the perfect circumstance for me to connect to my inner wise woman – which, incidentally, is the meaning of the word ā€œwitch.ā€ After a lifetime of seeking, it took a weekā€™s worth of silence to finally hear the elemental wisdom Iā€™d spent my life until then cut off from.Ā 

And it whispered to me the most magickal things.

Itā€™s just as author Robert R. McCammon describes:

ā€˜We all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out and combed out. We get put on the straight and narrow path and told to be responsible. Told to act our age. Told to grow up, for God’s sake. And you know why weā€™re told that? Because the people doing the telling are afraid of our wildness and youth, and because the magic we knew makes them ashamed and sad of what they’ve allowed to wither in themselves.ā€

A botanical illustration with white and pink flowers depicting the ingredients in these healthy mocktails.

All roads lead here . . .

An archetypal Jack-of-all-trades, I have been a costume designer, cooking instructor, singing bartender, recipe developer and food blogger, boutique caterer and private chef, writer and podcaster.

From the moment I realized that witchcraft was a smorgasbord made for the shiny object lover in me (sooooo many cool things to learn šŸ˜), I longed to join the throngs of witchy blogs on the interwebs. After all, my favorite way to digest my new discoveries is to turn around and teach about them to others. Thatā€™s the motivation behind my articles about lifestyle design and my podcast about thriving as a multi-passionate.

The woman behind the curtain . . .

Letā€™s do this the fun way.

If I were an action figure that came with three accessories, they would be:

  • My familiar, a sassy ginger tabby with dirty feet, named Hecate

  • A potion belt (which may or may not be mostly hot sauce)

  • A saber for killing zombies

Two truths and a lie (guess which oneā€™s which):

  • I hand crafted a high-fashion garment that was featured in Vogue Magazine.

  • I got drunk on pinot noir with Keanu Reeves and we waltzed around a Beverly Hills steakhouse during dinner service.Ā 

  • I broke into a Caribbean hotel in the middle of the night. And a Roman convent. Iā€™ve also ridden in the back of a police car. All unrelated.

My death row last request meal would be an entire pizza from a Da Michele in Naples with a giant ball of burrata in the middle. Then I would insist they kill me before the gluten poisoning starts šŸ˜–.

*My work is all over the Internet under my given name, Jennie Oā€™Connor. If you want to learn how to design a ā€œpinch meā€ life, be sure to check it out.

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