white tea paloma mocktail recipe

I wrote a book!


Who knew, right?

During my years of being a private chef to clients with food allergies, I was often tasked with creating the most nutritionally-optimal menus for a client out of nothing but asparagus, kimchi and lemongrass.

(Kidding. But, not really).

When I learned I could apply that wellness knowledge and ingredient mastery to making mocktails, I was all in.

I love the challenge of designing these mocktail recipes so that not only will you be sans-hangover tomorrow, you’ll also get vitality-boosting, functional benefits in every sip.

You’ve got a body that needs things. I’ve got a BOOK that delivers.

Drop-dead delicious mocktail recipes infused with magickal intent and vitality-boosting ingredients. 

A botanical illustration with white and pink flowers depicting the ingredients in these healthy mocktails.

Drink Intentionally. Live Vibrantly.

Healthy Mocktails? They're a thing?

Who knew, right?

During my years of being a private chef to clients with food allergies, I was often tasked with creating the most nutritionally-optimal menus for a client out of nothing but asparagus, kimchi and lemongrass.

(Kidding. But, not really).

When I learned I could apply that wellness knowledge and ingredient mastery to making mocktails, I was all in.

I love the challenge of designing these mocktail recipes so that not only will you be sans-hangover tomorrow, you’ll also get vitality-boosting, functional benefits in every sip.

You’ve got a body that needs things. I’ve got a mocktail that delivers.

Botanical illustration of dainty white flowers and green leaves representing the types of ingredients in these mocktail recipes.

What Makes These Mocktails Magickal?

We all have the choice to be conscious creators of our lives. What you predominantly focus on is what manifests in your reality.

Magick is a medium through which you can train your focus and use it to create 3-D change. And potion-making is, in my humble opinion, one of the most powerful (and fun) forms of magick.

Each mocktal recipe on this site is crafted with ingredients that energetically correspond to a specific intention. Each recipe also contains a simple ritual to bring that intention to life.

By the way, don’t let anyone tell you you have to be born a witch to be magickal. Anyone who feels called and is willing to put in the work can design the life of their dreams.

You are more powerful than you know.

xo Aquaria Fox

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